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A component-based system for rapid prototyping of Narrative Interactive Systems


we use specific versions of these softwares in AgentSlang 
	Java JDK 1.8 (jdk-8u191-windows-x64)
	Python 3

Linux installation

How to build “agentslang” on Ubuntu? 
1. Update
	sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade
2. Install dependencies using the following command. 
	sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk git gradle
5. Create a folder in order to clone the agentslang source code and go to that folder.
    cd {WORKSPACE}
	mkdir agentslang
	cd agentslang
6. Clone agentslang sourcecode from INSA git using following command (enter your username and password when you asked for).
	git clone https://github.com/AgentSlang/agentslang.github.io
7. Go to the following folder inside cloned items.
	# In Workspace
	cd agentslang/agentslang.github.io/pages/src
8. Give permission to run gradlew bash using the following command.
	chmod u+x gradlew
9. Build it using the following command.
	./gradlew installDist 
10. The output execuatble version will be in the following folder.

Windows installation

1. Download and install JDK8.
2. Define JAVA_HOME variable for JDK path in “Environment Variables”.
	JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_191
3. Download and install TortoiseGit.
4. Create a folder in order to clone the agentslang source code.
5. Clone agentslang sourcecode from INSA git using the following URL (enter your username and password when you asked for).
6. Download Gradle and extract it in your system.
7. Configure Gradle bin path in “Environment Variables”.
8. Open a Command prompt and go to the following folder.
	cd agentslang/agentslang.github.io/pages/src
9. Build it using the following command.
	gradlew installDist
10. The output execuatble version will be in the following folder.

Basic working test

You can verify AgentSlang is working properly by doing cd {WORKSPACE}/agentslang/agentslang.github.io/pages/src/AgentSlang/build/install/AgentSlang/bin # In GNU/Linux ./AgentSlang -config ../config/test_configurations/basic_test.xml -profile profile1 # In Windows AgentSlang -config ../config/test_configurations/basic_test.xml -profile profile1

These information should be printed in your terminal (INFORM)[org.ib.bricks.Test2] {id=1, language=none, data=’Hello-t2:1’} (INFORM)[org.ib.bricks.Test2] {id=0, language=none, data=’Hello-t1:0’} (INFORM)[org.ib.bricks.Test2] {id=1, language=none, data=’Hello-t1:1’} (INFORM)[org.ib.bricks.Test2] {id=2, language=none, data=’Hello-t2:2’} (INFORM)[org.ib.bricks.Test2] {id=2, language=none, data=’Hello-t1:2’}